No. Title Type H2_Index Submission Due Date
1 Computers & Education Regular 88 -
2 British Journal of Educational Technology Regular 48 -
3 The Internet and Higher Education Regular 43 -
4 Journal of Educational Technology & Society Regular 41 -
5 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Regular 40 -
6 The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning Regular 38 -
7 International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge Regular 32 -
8 Educational Technology Research and Development Regular 32 -
9 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Regular 31 -
10 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Regular 28 -
11 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Regular 27 -
12 TechTrends Regular 26 -
13 TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology Regular 26 -
14 Distance Education Regular 25 -
15 Language, Learning & Technology Regular 25 -
16 ReCALL Regular 24 -
17 Computer Assisted Language Learning Regular 23 -
18 CALICO Journal Regular 23 -
19 Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Regular 22 -
20 Journal of Educational Computing Research Regular 22 -
21 International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems ( VLSICS )  () Regular - -
22 Journal of English Studies in Arabia Felix
Regular - -
23 Ecology: An International Journal (ECOJ)  () Regular - -
24 International Journal of Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control (IJSCMC)  () Regular - -
25 International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies [IJHASS]  () Regular - -
26 International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems (IJICS)  () Regular - -
27 Educational Technology Quarterly
Regular - -
28 Educational Dimension  () Regular - -
29 CTE Workshop Proceedings  () Regular - -
30 Technoarete Transactions on Application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in Education
Regular - -
31 JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
Regular - -
32 Why You Should Attend Engineering Conferences  () Regular - -
33 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (IJAISC)   () Regular - -
34 Arts  () Regular - -
35 Academic Exchange Quarterly Journal: Summer 2016 (Keyword: KNOWLEDGE) Teachers' Knowledge of Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
(AEQ-Summer (Knowledge) 2016)
Regular - -
36 International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems (IJANS)  () Regular - -
37 Linhas Críticas  () Regular - -
38 International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence
Regular - -
39 Studi Jaspersiani
Regular - -
40 Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Development
Regular - -
41 European Journal of Educational Sciences
Regular - -
42 International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS)  () Regular - -
43 International Journal of Data mining Management Systems (IJDMS)  () Regular - -
44 International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT)  () Regular - -
45 International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology(IJFCST)  () Regular - -
46 International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE)  () Regular - -
47 Innovatus
Regular - -
48 International Journal of Education (IJE)  () Regular - -
49 International Journal Education (IJE)  () Regular - -
50 Media Literacy and Academic Research (Vol.3, No.2, 2020)
Regular - -
51 V!RUS Journal
Regular - -
52 International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
(IJLTER October 2019)
Regular - -