Korean Journal of International Studies


Diplomacy & International Relations Political Science Social Sciences (General)

Aims and Scope



The Korean Journal of International Studies (KJIS) is the official journal of the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS).


It is a triannual peer-reviewed academic journal covering global and regional affairs and theoretical debates in the field of international relations and area studies.


Published three times a year(April, August, December), KJIS is a peer reviewed journal indexed and abstracted in the SCOPUS, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition and Korea Citation Index.


The KJIS endeavors to attract original articles devoted not only to perennial issues in East Asia including the Korean Peninsula but also impacts of diverse perspectives at the global and regional levels.


Korean Journal of International Studies scope encompasses the wide range of research interests covering security, international political economy, regionalism, environment, migration, civil society, and multi-culturalism in the world.


The journal represents neither particular approach nor methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster diverse perspectives, embracing all conceptual, normative, and empirical research of major sub-areas of regional political economy.


Through these efforts the KJIS provides an important channel of scholarly ideas and produces quality work for the field.

Korean Journal of International Studies aims to stimulate and disseminate high quality research and scholarship of the world throughout the international academic community. The Journal also aims to provide policy makers in world countries with in-depth analyses of current issues and policy alternatives.


KJIS shall be published three times a year. The expected dates of publication will be April 30th, August 31st and December 31st.


The deadline for each issue are as follows.

- January 31 (Publication date : April 30)

- May 31 (Publication date : August 31)

- September 30 (Publication date : December 31)


KJIS e-Submission : kjis.org