Educational Technology Game Theory and Decision Science Information Theory Library & Information Science Language & Linguistics Communication Academic & Psychological Testing Public Health Interdisciplinary Studies (General) E-learning
ISSN 2585-8726 (Print), ISSN: 2585-9188 (Online)
Media Literacy and Academic Research is a high-quality open access peer- reviewed journal focused on the academic reflection of media and information literacy issues, media education, critical thinking, digital media and new trends in related areas of media and communication studies. The journal is devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to the interdisciplinary academic discussion, the results of empirical research and the mutual interaction of expertise in media and information studies, education studies as well as their sociological, psychological, political, linguistic and technological aspects.
Media Literacy and Academic Research is inviting papers for Vol. 3, No. 2 which is scheduled to be published on December 2020.
The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges. Media Literacy and Academic Research welcomes article submissions and does not charge a publication fee.
Interested authors should submit a single-spaced, one-page abstract describing their proposed article. Authors chosen from the pool of abstracts will be invited to submit a full manuscript. Invited manuscripts will be a double- blind peer-reviewed.
June 30, 2020: Submission deadline for abstracts (submit to )
July 10, 2020: Invitation to authors to submit a manuscript
September 30, 2020: Submission deadline for manuscript (submit to )
December 2020: Articles published as completed
Submitted manuscripts should strictly follow the format as outlined in our:
Media Literacy and Academic Research is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. The journal is international and interdisciplinary, inviting contributions from across the globe and from various academic disciplines of social sciences. The Journal Publishes in both print and online version. It focuses on theoretical and empirical studies, research results, as well as papers related to the new trends, practices and other academic research areas. Also encouraged are literature reviews, innovative initiatives, best practices in online teaching, institutional policies, standards and assessment. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.
The journal is now indexed with and included in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, CEEOL, CEJSH, Scientific Indexing Services(SIS) and ResearchGate.
Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with Scopus, ERIH Plus, Cabell´s Directories, Index Copernicus, ProQuest, EBSCO and Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI) – Web of Science Core Collection.
The members of the journal´s Editorial Board are members of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), UNESCO-UNAOC UNITWIN Network for Media and Information Literacy, European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI), The Slovak EU Kids Online Team, Media Literacy Expert Group and International Association for Media Education (IAME).
Assoc. Prof. Norbert Vrabec, PhD.
Media Literacy and Academic Research