(An Initiative of ISC and NLU, Delhi)
The Indian Society of Criminology (ISC) was established in the year 1970 with the objectives of advancing the study and application of criminology and allied sciences for the welfare of society and for facilitating co-operation among persons interested in the prevention and control of crime developed in a short period, into a pioneering national organization due to the efforts of the dedicated founders.
National Law University Delhi (NLUD) established in 2008 trough Delhi Government Act No.1 of 2008, is a premier legal institution imparting quality legal education and research. Being a leader among legal institutions, the University has more than 20 research centers known for quality field research in critical legal issues supporting society. The University is well known for its experienced and highly dedicated faculty and students.
National Law University Delhi and Indian Society of Criminology has signed an MOU for joint publication of International Journal of Criminology since 2019 twice in a year (January and July). The scope of the Journal covers all aspects of Criminology, Criminological Sciences (Criminal biology, psychology, sociology and penology) the subsidiary sciences (forensic science, forensic medicine, judicial psychology) and Victimology, research and applied. Articles are invited from researchers and members of professional groups working in the Police, Legal Departments, Correctional Services, Social Welfare Organizations, Forensic Sciences Laboratories etc.
Contributors may submit original and unpolished peace of research writings adhere to following guidelines for publication with Indian Journal of Criminology.
Submission Guidelines for Indian Journal of Criminology
1. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to the journal editor at
2. Manuscripts must be in English and should be submitted in softcopy through email at
3. The preferred maximum length for Article is 7000–8000 words, Essay 5000–6000 words, Note/Comment 3000–4000 words and Book Review 1500–2500 words including abstract (200–250 words) and footnote.
4. Contributors must provide a cover letter to accompany the manuscript submission. Cover letter should include the following statements:
a. I confirm that the citations in the attached manuscript are accurate.
b. I confirm that I have read the submission policy and that my manuscript complies with the journal’s submission policy.
c. I confirm that any part of the manuscript does not violate copyright of others.
5. Use of italics and diacriticals should be minimized, but used consistently. Tables and figures to be indicated by numbers separately (see Table 1), not by placement (see Table below). All Figures and Tables should be cited in the text. Source for figures and tables should be mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions.
6. References are made according to the abridged Harvard Method by giving the author’s name and date to publication in the text e.g. (Smith, 2019). Reference list at the end of the paper should be in the alphabetical order of authors. For referring citation style under Harvard Method kindly reference
7. Book reviews must contain name of author/editor and book reviewed, place of publication and publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price.
8. Once submitted, a manuscript goes through the following stages.
9. The Editor first cursorily examines the manuscript to check whether there is an obvious reason to reject it, for example, if it does not fit well within the aims and scope of Indian Journal of Criminology.
10. Once the preliminary checks are done, the manuscript is peer-reviewed, a stage which usually takes 3–4 weeks, but may take longer time in some cases. IJC follows a typical double-blind review process, meaning that the author does not get to know who reviews the manuscript and similarly, the reviewer does not know who wrote it.
11. Depending upon the reviewers’ recommendations, the manuscript is accepted or rejected or, most likely, rewriting suggestions are given to the author, who then modifies the manuscript as per the requirement and sends a revised manuscript.
12. Once the Editor decides to accept a manuscript, then the manuscript is forwarded to publishing unit.
Submission of the articles is a continuous process and have no specific dates for both two issues published every year. Accepted articles are placed in immediately next issue to be published every year. Contributor(s)/ Author(s) shall be sent acceptance letter on the basis of peer reviewed acceptance process. Soft copy of the article shall be sent to the Author(s) of the accepted manuscripts for their kind references; however the print copy may be purchased through sending demand at .
The Journal is published twice in a year. There is no closing dates for the Call for Papers. Papers are recieved randomly and included in the next consecutive volumes after reviewing process.
Call for Paper URL: