The Publishing Board of Two Cultures: The International Journal of Technology, Humanities, and Human Security is pleased to announce an inaugural call for articles.
In order to encourage a forum for the exchange of ideas regarding the development and application of advanced technology as it relates to human interests, the founders have established an International Journal of Technology, Humanities, and Human Security. This journal will address, in a rigorous academic forum, any topic which intersects the two worlds of science & technology and the humanities such as issues addressing the intended and unintended consequences that science, technology, culture, politics, the arts, philosophy, and theology may have upon one other.
The journal will focus on issues of science & technology as they enliven, inform and effect society, at the individual, national, and international level in all areas related to human security. Two Cultures engages the concept of human security at its broadest definition, including not only aspects of traditional ‘national’ security dialogue, but also the concepts of economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political security as articulated by the United Nations Development Programme’s 1994 Report on Human Development. The mission of Two Cultures shall be to foster a scholarly discussion of the intersection between the techno-scientific world and the humanities while simultaneously exploring the resulting effect upon human security.
Manuscripts may be submitted to: Authors will be notified of selection within one month of publication. Unless otherwise noted, selected submissions will appear in the next issue. For instructions to authors and the Two Cultures style guide, please visit: Questions may be submitted to: