Call for Papers
(apologies for multiple postings)
We are pleased to inform you that, considering the relevance of the topic, we decided to continue the Topical Issue on Type Error Diagnosis and Closely Related Fields in the next volume of Open Computer Science.
The deadline for submission is 25th February 2019, but individual papers will be reviewed and published online on an ongoing basis.
Topical Issue on Type Error Diagnosis and Closely Related Fields (Part II)
Guest Editor:
Sheng Chen, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Advisory Editor:
Jurriaan Hage, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Open Computer Science is now indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index). There are NO submission and publication FEES.
More information about the journal can be found at: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/comp
Type error diagnosis addresses the problem of communicating to the programmers of statically typed languages why a given program is considered to be type incorrect and therefore cannot be compiled. Ultimately, the aim of the field is to increase the usability of compiler tools for statically typed languages. Traditionally, the field of type error diagnosis has centered on functional languages. However, we are explicitly looking for papers within the field irrespective of the programming language of programming paradigm, including but not restricted to imperative, object-oriented, functional, logical, and multi-paradigm languages. Papers may be of a fundamental and/or application-oriented nature. For example, they may discuss a general framework for implementing type error diagnosing techniques, study type error diagnosing facilities implemented in compilers, or report on a user study. Submitted papers should make a case why the paper should be of interest to anyone interested in type error diagnosis.
Authors are requested to submit their full revised version of papers to the Topical Issue complying the general scope of the journal. The submitted papers will undergo the standard peer-review process before they can be accepted. Notification of acceptance will be communicated as we progress with the review process.
Before submission authors should carefully read the Instruction for Authors: https://www.degruyter.com/view/supplement/s22991093_Instruction_for_Authors.pdf
Manuscripts can be written in TeX, LaTeX (strongly recommended) - the journal’s LATEX template. Please note that we do not accept papers in Plain TEX format. Text files can be also submitted as standard DOCUMENT (.DOC) which is acceptable if the submission in LATEX is not possible. For an initial submission, the authors are strongly advised to upload their entire manuscript, including tables and figures, as a single PDF file.
All submissions to the Topical Issue must be made electronically via online submission system Editorial Manager: http://www.editorialmanager.com/opencs/
All manuscripts will undergo the standard peer-review process (single blind, at least two independent reviewers). When entering your submission via online submission system please choose the option “TI on Type error diagnosis and closely related fields”.
Contributors to the Topical Issue will benefit from:
+ indexation in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index) and SCOPUS
+ NO submission and publication FEES
+ fair and constructive peer review provided by experts in the field
+ no space constraints
+ convenient, web-based paper submission and tracking system – Editorial Manager
+ free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions
+ fast online publication upon completing the publishing process (continuous publication model)
+ better visibility due to Open Access to your article for all interested readers
+ long-term preservation of the content (all articles archived in Portico)
+ extensive post-publication promotion for selected papers
We are looking forward to your submission.
If you have any question, please contact Dr. Justyna Zuk, Managing Editor of Open Computer Science, Justyna.Zuk@degruyteropen.com.
With best regards,
Karolina Hejbudzka
Karolina Hejbudzka
Editorial Assistant, Physical Sciences.
De Gruyter Poland Ltd. Ul. Bogumila Zuga 32a. 01-811 Warsaw, Poland
Domicile Warsaw, Poland. Legal Form: Limited Company
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