International Economics Development Economics Economic Policy African Studies & History Asian Studies & History
Journal of International Economic Relations and Development Economics (JIERADE) is an international journal which provides valuable insight from researchers, policy makers and practitioners into global policy debates and understanding of the international market, political, bilateral and multilateral economic relations and how it affects global alliances, globalization and the economic health of nations. Articles should cover global policy issues; issues in international financial markets, global economic governance, economic models and key indicators from which development policies are derived and those relevant to transformation of developing countries into more prosperous nations.
The journal is an open access journal which can be accessed and downloaded online for free.
Manuscripts will have to go through a peer-blind review process as an attempt for high objectivity.
Deadline for submission: 17th September, 2021
Researchers, policy makers and practitioners are cordially encouraged and welcomed to submit their manuscripts to JIERADE at
or email : editorialoffice@theinterscholar.org