ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies / Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften

ASEAS 2011

Humanities, Literature & Arts (General) Social Sciences (General)

The CfP for issue 5(1) Health:
Issue 5(1) of the Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies will feature a focus on ‘Health’, aiming at bringing together scholars working on this topic in a South-East Asian context. Health: ‘A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence
of disease.’ Recounting the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) basic defi nition, the ASEAS editorial board hopes to disclose a wide range of links to varied fi elds of (interdisciplinary) interests related to health in South-East Asia. We invite senior or junior researchers to contribute ideas and perspectives on health and health-related aspects in South-East Asia.
If you intend to submit a paper, please contact the editorial board, as this eases our planning process. Of special interest are submissions dealing with one or several of the following issues:
Global health issues (e.g. epidemics) and trends in South-East Asia
Environmental health and hazards, such as chemicals (e.g. Agent Orange) and environmental disasters, affecting natural living spaces and urban lifestyle
Socio-economic balance and health: Exploring relations between economic transition, health services (availability), and demographic changes in urban as well as rural areas in South-East Asia
Health and economy: Pharmaceutical industry, migration of labour force in the health sector, and touristic developments related to health and wellness
Cultural dynamics and perceptions of health: Do (religious) beliefs and attitudes play a role in connection with health definitions and issues?
Intersections of health and political conditions, human rights as well as social (in)equality
As always, suggestions for interviews are welcome (for further details, please contact the board of editors)
We also accept submissions OUTSIDE THE FOCUS!