Traverses, the online journal of

Film Humanities, Literature & Arts (General) Environmental Law & Policy

“Politics and Ethics of eco-documentary”

TRAVERSES is the online journal of, a French non-profit website with a very unique database in Europe - more than 50 000 documentary films and 30 000 filmmakers, authors, composers and producers - dedicated to the art of documentary. The journal was created in 2018 with the aim of creating interdisciplinary and transnational bridges between film professionals and researchers who deploy particular practices or thoughts extending the frontiers of the art. Our first issue was dedicated to "political forms and forms of politics" in documentary making (

The second edition of TRAVERSES will examine the intersections between documentary films/practice and environmental issues in the Anthropocene era. What role could documentary films play to facilitate a more ecological sensibility and underpin an ecological politics? Themes to be explored are aesthetic depictions of eco-disasters in documentary films, the notion of “eco-documentary”, the role of documentary films in the history of environmental images, limits of scientific popularization in media discourses, material ecologies of film production and consumption, the “sustainable media” and “recycled film”, independent documentary practice in specific polluting countries.

TRAVERSES accepts a variety of written pieces for submission, without limits of length, such as: research essays that engage in theoretical, practical, pedagogical, and/or historical analysis of the visual narrative in documentary films; shorter research essays which seek to examine, discuss and review one film or one documentary filmmaker practice.

Papers could be written in French or English – publication will be in both languages. All submissions to Traverses should be previously unpublished in French language.

Timetable for Issue 2:
First Draft Deadline: 10/04/2020
Final Copy Deadline: 15/05/2020
Intended Publication Week: 22/06/2020

Proposals are to be submitted no later than Friday, January 31, 2020. Authors should expect to be notified of the editorial committee’s decision by Monday, February 10, 2020.

Please submit your proposal to François-Xavier Destors at If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the same address.