SOCIETY REGISTER is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes in English empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field in all areas of social sciences including sociology, economics, political science, psychology, cultural studies, education, and social policy. SOCIETY REGISTER is published in partnership with the Department of Sociology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaƄ. The journal has received honorary patronage of Polish Society of Comparative Pedagogy and Sociological Committee of Poznan Society of Friends of Arts and Sciences. The mission of the Society Register Journal is to publish original works of interest to the social sciences disciplines in general, new theoretical approaches, empirical results of research that advance our understanding of fundamental social processes (and important methodological innovations), together with the practical application of those insights to the resolution of social issues. A key requirement for any author wishing to publish his/her work (be it empirically grounded, or purely theoretically oriented) needs to explicitly reflect upon the necessary underlying assumptions (axioms) and (if applicable) on how exactly a methodology was derived to study a given phenomena within a specific context of changing societies.

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