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Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti/Collection of papers of the Academy of Arts is a journal which publishes original manuscripts, professional and scientific papers, theoretical and research papers from the field of theory and philosophy of art, media theory, film studies, musicology, music theory, theatrology, aesthetics, history of art and art education. Contributions to the journal must be submitted either in Serbian or in English.
Zbornik radova/Collection of papers is an Open Access journal:
Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti is indexed in ERIH plus, SCIndeks, RILM, Sherpa Romeo and DOAJ.
We invite you to take part in the thirteenth issue of the Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti Novi Sad (Collection of papers of the Academy of Arts Novi Sad) and submit your article for publication. The working title of your article, summery and short biography (max. 200 words) should be sent by 25th January 2025, and the deadline for submission of a full article with a short biography by 15th March 2025. Working titles can be later changed.
The working titles, summery, biography and full articles should to be sent to The authors are advised to cite papers published in the Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti / Collection of papers of the Academy of Arts.
Zbornik radova Akademijeumetnosti / Collection of Papers of the Academy of Arts is a journal that publishes original manuscripts, professional and scientific works, theoretical and research studies in the fields of the theory and philosophy of art, media theory, film studies, musicology, music theory, theatrology, aesthetics, art history and art education. Zbornik radova / Collection of Papers is an Open Access journal available at: and is indexed in Erih Plus, DOAJ and SCIndeks. The journal accepts original papers that have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Each author may submit only one article for consideration. Manuscripts should be submitted via email to
The cover page of the manuscript must include the author’s full name, year of birth, current job position, academic title, institution, e-mail and postal address and ORCID number). Manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Based on reviewers' recommendations, the Editorial Board will decide whether the manuscript will be published and will notify the authors accordingly. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide a brief biography that includes their academic title, email address, and ORCID number.
Submissions must be written in Serbian or in English. Articles (excluding the abstract) should not exceed 35,000 characters (with spaces) or one author’s sheet. Abstracts must be 1,500–3,000 characters (with spaces) and include five (5) keywords. In exceptional cases, articles exceeding this length may be accepted if their scientific content justifies it. Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, using 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5-line spacing.
Photos, scores and other illustrations should be sent separately in a file that includes the author’s name. The file must be in high resolution, with a minimum of 300 dpi, and should have precise numeration (e.g., Example 1, Example 2, etc.).
The Editorial Board will provide translation of the title, abstract, and keywords into English or Serbian.
The author’s name and affiliation should be clearly indicated in the upper-left corner of the paper’s header. The author’s email address and ORCID number should appear in the first footnote. The title of the paper should be centred, written in Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold. Below the title, the abstract and keywords should be provided in Times New Roman, 10 pt. The words “Abstract” and “Keywords” should be bold, while the rest of the text should not be bold. If titles of works, books, or similar items are mentioned in the abstract, they should follow the same style as in the main text (e.g., in italics).
Footnotes are used only for the purpose of providing further explanation. If the paper is written in Serbian, the names of foreign authors should be given in Serbian transcription, with the original name indicated in brackets when they are mentioned for the first time in the paper, e.g., Dženkins (Jenkins). If the paper is written in English, the original names must be used. When referring to literature in the text, the author’s name and year of publication should be written in parentheses, e.g.: (Jovanović, 2006). When citing multiple authors in parentheses, they should be listed alphabetically, not chronologically. If the author is directly cited, the page number must be included, e.g., (last name, year: page).
Example: “Nowadays formalism and transcendentalism are not understood to be at all related, except as antagonist” (Cook, 2010: 373).
Authors are required to use the following quotation marks:
Double quotation marks: “…”, e.g., “Quote.”
Single quotation marks: ‘…’, e.g., ‘quote within the quote’.
For dashes, please ensure the grammatically correct usage of dashes (–) and hyphens (-), as well as all other punctuation marks.
If a quotation contains four or more lines, it should be separated from the main text using 10-point font and indented 2.5 cm from the left margin.
Centuries should be written in Arabic numerals.
In the paper, titles of books, theatre plays, films, compositions, paintings, and video works should be italicised, following standard academic conventions. Titles of works that are part of a larger collection, such as book chapters, newspaper articles, or essays, should be placed in quotation marks.
Chapters within the paper should be marked in italics and should not include numbers.
References must conform to the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). For detailed instructions on in-text citations, visit For information on formatting the reference list, visit
The list of References should include only works that are cited in the text. References should be numbered and arranged alphabetically, by the last name of the first author. Use font size 10, and follow the format below:
Last name, First name. Year. Title. Place: Publisher.
Feder, Ellen K. 2007. Family Bonds: Genealogies of Race and Gender. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ProQuestebrary.
Chapter or Essay in a Book:
Roell, Craig H. 1994. “The Piano in the American Home.” In The Arts and the American Home, 1890-1930, edited by Jessica H. Foy and Karal Ann Marling, 193-204. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
Journal Article:
Becker, Lawrence J., & Seligman, Clive. 1981. “Welcome to the Energy Crisis”, In Journal of Social Issues, 37(2), 1–7.
Web Document:
Zbikowski, Lawrence. 2012. “Music, Dance, and Meaning in the Early Nineteenth Century,” the Journal of Musicological Research 31:2–3; 147–165. Retrieved 15 May 2015
Only contributions that conform to the instructions will be accepted for peer review. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the author for technical revisions. Any article that shows clear evidence of misapplication, plagiarism, fraudulent data usage, or breaches of professional ethical standards will be automatically rejected by the Zbornik radova (Collection of Papers).
The publisher allows authors to publish the final published version/PDF of their work on their personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a thematic repository, including social networking sites (such as Research Gate,, Mendeley, etc.), after publication. This is permitted on the condition that full bibliographic information is provided, including acknowledgment of the original source of publication: author(s), article title, journal title, volume, issue, page numbers, and a link to the article’s DOI. If authors want to publish the same work in another language, they must inform the Editorial Board and cite the original publication, including full bibliographic data from the source journal.
By submitting a manuscript, authors agree to abide by the Editorial Policies of the Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti (Collection of Papers of the Academy of Arts). Editorial policies can be found at
With respect,
Editorial Board