International Journal for Human Capital Development

IFHCD 2013

Business, Economics & Management (General)

International Journal for Human Capital Development is a journal that aims to explain key issues related to human capital development by making clarifications concerning what this concept entails, and what would be the benefits of considering its primary importance in economic and social development.

Technical conditions of writing requires that the work be accompanied by the author’s full name, academic affiliation or academic, scientific evidence, to.
The title of the paper, abstract and keywords will be sent mandatory in English and the full papers in English. The paper should be between 16 and 22 pages, the abstract will be 150-200 words and 3-5 keywords and the system will use the Harvard citation.

The format of the full papers must take into consideration the following specifications:
• Title – Arial 12pt bold, centered and in capitals
• author’s surname – Arial 11pt bold italic, centered
• author’s name – Arial 11 bold italic, centered and in capitals
• university affiliation of the author – Arial 9pt italic, footnote
• abstract – Arial 10pt italic, aligned
• keywords – Arial 10pt italic, aligned
• Chapters names – Arial 11pt bold, aligned
• sub names – Arial 11pt bold italic, aligned
• the text – Arial 11pt, aligned
• quoted or bibliographic sources – Harvard citation style
• Spacing between rows: 1.0

Abstracts and full papers can be send till 10 of December 2012 at There is no publication fee.