IDP. Internet, Law and Politics Journal - Call for Papers

IDP Call for Papers 2011

Computer Networks & Wireless Communication Law Political Science

Aims and subject area of the journal
IDP. Revista d'Internet, Dret i Política is an e-publication promoted by the UOC Law and Political Science Department aimed at the communication and scientific dissemination of research work, analysis and investigation into the challenges and issues that information and communication technology poses with regard to law and political science.
Similarly, IDP seeks to be a platform for thought and discussion on the content and scope of the changes that information and communication technology – and in particular the internet phenomenon – are causing in the fields of law, politics and public administration, for example:
• digital democracy
• personal data treatment
• the liability of internet providers
• intellectual property and freedom of expression on the net
• e-administration
• the new forms of political participation
• consumer protection on the internet
More information:
Issue 13 (publication November 2011): 30 June 2011
Issue 14 (publication May 2012): 1 March 2012
Rules for publication and submission process
Articles may not exceed 5,000 words and may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English. They must be submitted with the following details:
• Title
• Abstract (max. 200-300 words)
• Keywords (between 4 and 6 words)
• Subject focus of the article
• Body of the article, divided into sections and sub-sections (max. 5,000 words)
• Bibliographical references
The following should be submitted in a separate file:
• Graphics and pictures: these should be numbered, with a footer that identifies the content and a clear indication of where they should be positioned.
• The author's details (name and surnames, professional affiliation, professional postal address) and a brief curricular presentation (100-200 words).
The phases of the review process can be consulted here:
In order to submit an original, you must be registered as an author on the journal's registration page ( Once registered, you should enter the system and follow the instructions and the 5 steps shown in order to complete the submission process.
You should follow the instructions and rules for publication in the journal.