ACS/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications


Engineering & Computer Science (General)

The ACS/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2025) is the premier conference covering all contemporary areas in computer systems and applications. It implements an international forum for academics, industry researchers, developers, and practitioners to report and share groundbreaking contributions in various IT fields that range from distributed computing to data science, security, and machine learning.

AICCSA 2025 will be held in Doha, Qatar from 19 to 22 October 2025.

Important Dates

  • Workshop and Special Track proposals due: 07 April, 2025

  • Notification of acceptance: 10 April, 2025

Submission guidelines

Workshop and special tracks proposals must be submitted via the conference main submission link Here by selecting workshops and special tracks.

Workshop and Special Tracks Chairs

  • Haithem Mezni, Taibah University, KSA

  • Abdallah Makhoul, University of Franche-Comté, France

  • Joe Tekli, LAU, Lebanon

Proposal Requirements

  • Proposals for workshops or Special Tracks may address one or more Tracks, but they should be organised under a unified theme.

  • Proposals for workshops or Special Tracks are intended to allow projects or any other group of authors to present their own work.

  • Proposals for workshops or Special Tracks may include invited speakers, papers, and panels.

  • Workshop or Special Tracks papers can be either Presentations, Extended Abstracts (2 pages) or Full Papers (5 pages), and should be reviewed by the Workshop and special tracks Technical Programme Committee.

  • Proposals for workshops or Special Tracks should be no more than 2 pages in length and submitted in PDF Format.

  • Proposals should contain the following information:

  1. Title and brief description of the workshop or special tracks, specifying the goals and the technical issues that will be addressed in the workshop.

  2. A brief description of why and to whom the workshop or special track is of interest and how it complement the main conference.

  3. The proposed organizing committee and the technical program committee.

  4. The workshop or special track submission and processing system.

  5. Contact details of the main organizers.

Notes for the Workshop or Special Tracks Organizers

Workshop and special tracks Organizers will be responsible for the following:

  1. Proposing a “Call for Papers/Participation” for their workshop or special track. It should mention that at least one author of each accepted submission should attend the workshop and that the registration of at least one author is required for the paper to be included in the conference proceedings.

  2. Ensuring that the page limit of all workshop or special track papers is 6 pages (in IEEE format).

  3. Taking full responsibility of workshop submission, reviewing process and decisions.

  4. Selecting the participants and the format of the workshop or special track.

  5. Advertising the workshop or special track beyond the conference web page.

  6. Providing support to create a finalized (camera-ready) version suitable for publication of the workshop or special track proceedings.

  7.  In case of an insufficient number of submissions, the AICCSA 2025 organizing committee may propose to merge the workshop or special track with another. In extreme situations we may also cancel workshops if there are insufficient number of submissions, while we may consider the paper for the main tracks.

  8. Ensuring that the accepted papers are of high quality. All papers must be reviewed by an international technical Program Committee with a minimum of 2 reviews per paper.

The AICCSA 2025 Organizing Committee will be responsible for the following:

  • Providing a link to the workshop’s web page.

  • Providing logistics support for the workshop.

  • In conjunction with the workshop’s organizers, determining the workshop date and time.

  • Including the workshop accepted papers into the main proceedings and submitting it to IEEE and IEEE Xplore indexing for publication.

  • Workshops organizers will benefit from one free registration for each 6 fully registered papers in their workshop