2025 International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

CoLSCM 2025


2025 International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (CoLSCM 2025)--SCOPUS, Google Scholar Call for papers

August 15-17, 2025 | Website: www.colscm.org 


2025 International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (CoLSCM 2025) will be held during August 15-17, 2025.The conference provides a suitable platform to all academics, leading researchers, professionals to share their knowledge, exchange insightful ideas, present recent research, discuss future trends and challenges of Logistics and Supply Chain Management fields. All academic practitioners around the world are encouraged to submit their research abstracts, papers and posters based on conference scope, and present their work through demonstrations, tutorials, oral and poster presentations at the conference.




The conference presented and registered full papers will be included in the digital conference proceedings, and submitted to major citation databases like SCOPUS, Google Scholar etc. for indexing.

Selected excellent papers with a significant extension will be further recommended to be published on the following SCI, SCIE and EI journals after an additional review process:

1. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1879-2138, IF: 7.2; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

2. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1615-1488, IF: 3.9; indexed in SCIE, EI and Scopus)

3. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q3; ISSN: 1872-6925, IF: 3.1; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

4. Computational Mechanics (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1432-0924, IF: 4.1; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)



Paper Submission

1. Submit Via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CoLSCM2025

2. Send your manuscript as an attachment to the conference email: info@colscm.org



Ms. Katie Ouyang

Email: info@colscm.org 

Website: www.colscm.org 


Call for papers (https://www.colscm.org/call_for_paper.html)

Assessing and Managing Supply Chain Vulnerability

Capacity Planning

Collaborative Planning and Forecasting

Contract Designs to Coordinate Supply Chains

Coordination Problems and Bullwhip Effects

Crisis Management

Customer-oriented Supply Chain Management

Data Analysis and Use

Decision-making in Humanitarian Supply Chains

Development Aid Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Disaster Relief Operations

E-commerce Based Supply Chain Management

Emergency Logistics

Financial Accounting/ Advanced Management Accounting

Financing and Resource Mobilization


Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing

Global Supply Chain Management

Global Supply Chain Management Base on Social Network

Health Logistics Management

Health Supply Chain Analysis and Decisions

Health Supply Chain Management

Humanitarian Health Care Supply Chains

Humanitarian Logistics

Information System Development, Deployment, and Support

Innovation and Technology Management

Innovation in Global Supply Chain

Intermodal Coordination in Global Logistic Network

Knowledge Management in Supply Chains

Lean Manufacturing

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Logistics, Sales and Operations Planning,

Management Accounting

Managing Inter-firm Relationships in Supply Chains

Managing Supply Chain Disruptions

Managing the Operations Interface within Organizations

Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Marketing and Operations Management

Material Requirement Planning

Measuring Supply Network Performance

New Paradigm of Logistic Management

Not-for-profit Supply Chains

Operations and Information Management

Principles and Theory of Relief Supply Chain Management

Private-sector Service Provider Engagement

Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Project Risk and Procurement

Project Scheduling

Quantification, Forecasting and Supply Planning

Relationship Management in Supply Chains

Risk Management of Global Supply Chain

Social Responsibility in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Socio-political Issues in Global Supply Chain Management

Sourcing Decisions

Strategic International Business Management

Strategic Issues in Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Design and Implementation

Supply Chain Finance

Supply Chain Integration and Relationship Management

Supply Chain Inventory and Production Planning

Supply Chain Learning and Innovation

Supply Chain Links and Enterprise Ressource Planning

Supply Chain Management in Disaster Relief

Supply Chain Management in the Health Industry

Supply Chain Policy and Strategy

Supply Chain Science (Capacity, Variability, Batching, Flows, Buffering, Push/Pull Production)

Supply Chain, Logistics and Technology Management

Supply Network Design and Structures

Sustainability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management

The Role of Donors and Volunteers in Humanitarian Logistics

Value Chain Design/Foundations of Organization


For more CFP topics, please visit: https://www.colscm.org/call_for_paper.html