2025 IEEE 25th International Conference on Communication Technology (25th IEEE ICCT)



Full Name: 2025 IEEE 25th International Conference on Communication Technology (25th IEEE ICCT)

Abbreviation:IEEE ICCT 2025

Time:October 17-19, 2025   

Place:Shenyang, China


2025 IEEE 25th International Conference on Communication Technology will be held in Shenyang, China during October 17-19, 2025. It's co-sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section and Northeastern University, China. This year's conference promises to be an exciting event, bringing together researchers, academics, industry professionals, and students from all over the world to share their latest research findings, ideas, and innovations.

The IEEE International Conference on Communications Technology was jointly initiated and organized by IEEE Beijing Section and IEEE ComSoc in 1986. It has been successfully held for 24 sessions to date and is one of the highest-level academic events in the field of communication technology in China. It is also an international gathering for research in information and communication technology.

The theme of this year is "Ubiquitous Communications Enabling Smart World ", with a commitment to exploring academic hotspots and industry trends within the field of Communication Technology. We believe that communication technology has a crucial role to play in addressing the challenges and creating a better future for all. The conference program includes keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper presentations, and poster sessions, covering a wide range of topics related to communication technology, including but not limited to, wireless communications, internet of things, artificial intelligence, and social media.

★ ★ ★ IEEE ICCT 2025 serves as an important international platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange and share their new discoveries and achievements in the field of communication technology. It covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the following:

Track 1. Communication and Information Theory Symposium

Track 2. Signal Processing for Communications Symposium

Track 3. Integrated Sensing and Communication Symposium

Track 4. Intelligent and Semantic Communications Symposium

Track 5. AI for Communications and Networks Symposium

Track 6. Cloud and Edge Computing Symposium

Track 7. Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium

Track 8. Internet-Of-Things & Sensor Networks Symposium

Track 9. Space-Air-Ground Communication and Space Networking Symposium

Track 10. Communication and Information Security Symposium

Track 11. Communication QoS, Reliability & Modeling Symposium

Track 12 Optical Communications and Networks Symposium

Track 13. Green Communication Systems & Networks Symposium

Track 14. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Symposium

Track 15. Aerial Communications, UAV Communications, Vehicular Networks Symposium

For details about topics, please visit at https://www.ieee-icct.org/cfp.html

★Call for Workshops★

The goals of the workshops are to explore emerging research topics, and to provide a forum for authors to present early research results on these topics. Conference seeks proposals from individuals and teams interested in organizing strong workshops.

For details, please visit https://www.ieee-icct.org/workshop.html

★★Proceedings Publication★★

Accepted academic papers will be published by IEEE, and conference papers that meet IEEE Standards can be indexed by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


A. Full paper(publication and presentation)

B. Abstract (only presentation)

- Submission Methods:

1. Please upload submission to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf):


2. Please send submission to: icct_contact@163.com  

★★More details about submission, please visit at https://www.ieee-icct.org/sub.html

★★Conference Program★★

October 17, 2025

and Conference Material Collection

October 18, 2025

Morning: Openning Ceremony, Keynote Speeches & Group Photo

Afternoon: Invited Speeches & Parallel Sessions (Authors' Presentation)

Night: Banquet & Awarding Ceremony

October 19, 2025

Morning: Keynote Speeches & Invited Speeches

Afternoon: Parallel Sessions (Authors' Presentation)

Night: Dinner & Awarding Ceremony

★★ICCT 2025 AWARD ★★

- Best Paper Awards

1. The TPC Chairs will propose short-listed candidates for the Best Paper Awards (accounted for top 10% score of all submissions). 

2. The Conference Awards Chairs will organize an Awards Committee to select 10 best paper awards from the short-listed candidates, which is also accounted for 1.5% of all submissions. 

3. Each author of the Best Paper Awards will receive a certificate and Gift.

- Best Student Paper Awards

Any full-time university student, who is the first author as well as the presenting author of a paper submitted with choosing presentation type of “Best Student Paper Award” will be eligible for this award. Winners will be selected by the IEEE ICCT 2025 Committee. Certificates and Awards will be presented to the winners at the conference banquet and award ceremony. 

- Young Scientist Awards

Everyone within the age of 40 by September, 2025 with a doctor degree is eligible for Best Young Scientist Award. Application could be made during registration. The applicant is required to submit representative publications (up to 3) and full CV for judges to review when submit registration. All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.

- Best Oral Presentation Awards

For every technical session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English.

- Best Poster Awards

All the accepted and registered poster papers. It will be selected by every poster session chairs. 


Conference Secretary: Ms. Mia Xue

Email: icct_contact@163.com