I International Congress in Systems Engineering (I Congreso International de Ingenieria de Sistemas)

CIIS - UL 2018

Software Systems

The organizing Committee of the I International Congress of Systems Engineering of the University of Lima (CIIS 2018) calls the academic scientific community and professionals in the areas of: Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems; to submit your research papers related to the following, but not limited to, area topics:
Information Systems:
Education in Information Systems
Global issues in IS
Security, Privacy and Ethics in IS
Project Management
Software Engineering:
Software Architectures
Agile Methodologies
Requirements Engineering
Formal Methods
Methodologies in Software Development
Quality Assurance
Mobile and Ubiquous Systems
Testing, Verification and Validation of Software
Data Structures and Algorithms
Big Data
Computer Graphics
Computer Science Education
Data Mining
Human ComputerInteraction
Machine Learning
Information Processing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Theory of Computing
Computational Vision
Social and Ethics Issues in Computing
Internet of Things
Embedded Systems
Cloud Computing
Software define Networks
Network Security
Web and Internet Computing
Grid Computing
Green Computing
Networks and Communications
CIIS 2018 will be held on September the 13th and 14th of 2018 and we will provide a space of international academic scope. We which will approach topics related to emerging technologies that allow the exchange of knowledge, experiences and research in the areas mentioned above. The topics to be discussed contribute to the development and growth of the specialization areas aforementioned, for the benefit of researchers, teachers, students, as well as the scientific and academic community.
- Articles submission: Until the 31th of May.
- Acceptance Notification: 31th of July.
- Final version submission: Until the 15th of August.
The articles should not exceed 08 pages, including: tables, figures and references. The abstract should have between 250 and 300 words;and 03 to 05 keywords are recommended to be considered. No page numbering is required. The papers can be written in: Spanish or English. Templates can be found in:
The best papers will be invited to present extended versions for being published at our jounal “Interfases” (https://revistas.ulima.edu.pe/index.php/Interfases) which is indexed in LatinIndex and Dialnet.
Contact email: ciis@ulima.edu.pe