Workshop on Big Data for CyberSecurity (Colocated with IEEE BigData 2018)

BigCyber 2018

Computer Security & Cryptography Security & Trust & Testing

BigCyber 2018 - Colocated with "IEEE BigData 2018"
Security analysts need to process high velocity and veracious data for early, ideally left of an exploit, detection of cybersecurity events, such as attacks, data-theft, etc. The problem is challenging given the constantly evolving threat landscape. Even with advanced monitoring, sophisticated persistent attackers can spend as many as 146 days in a system before being detected. Existing systems’ lack of unified organizational view causes information flooding and overwhelms a security analyst with false alarms. We need techniques that reduces an analyst’s cognitive load.
Big data crossing the organizational boundary even in mid-sized environments, need to be mined, examined, analyzed to create ‘Analyst Augmentation Systems’ which will aid security analysts in their day to day operations.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from Cybersecurity and Big Data to help further homeland security’s missions of anticipation, interdiction, prevention, preparedness, and response. We invite submissions in areas (but not limited to) related to knowledge extraction from cybersecurity intelligence big datasets, fast analysis of security datasets for relevant information, and using this knowledge for various cybersecurity activities like early attack detection, mitigation, remediation, and forensics.
Workshop will include, but is not limited to, the following topics:
BigCyber Informatics
IoT Security Informatics
Intelligence Acquisition
Knowledge representation for cybersecurity
Information & Knowledge mining from big datasets
CyberSecurity Big Data Analytics
Real-time situational awareness
Artificial Intelligence Analytics Techniques
Intrusion and cybersecurity threat detection and analysis
Cyber-physical-social system security and incident management
Mobile and cloud computing security
IoT security
Big data analytics for cybersecurity
Machine learning for cybersecurity
Artificial Intelligence for cybersecurity
Big data analytics for digital forensics
CyberSecurity Applications
Anomaly/threat detection techniques
Automated security aids for Analysts
Criminal/intelligence information extraction
intelligence monitoring and analysis
Financial and accounting fraud analysis
Authorship analysis and identification
Spatial-temporal data analysis for crime analysis and security informatics
Formal reasoning, with focus on human element, in cyber systems
Best practices in counter-terrorism or security protection
Information sharing policy and governance
Privacy, security, and civil liberties issues
Forecasting threats and measuring the impact of threats
Surveillance and intelligence through unconventional means