Nature-Inspired Computation in Data Mining and Machine Learning

NICDL 2018

Data Mining & Analysis

Nature-Inspired Computation in Data Mining and Machine Learning (NICDL2018)
"Call for Book Chapters"
Nature-inspired computation, data mining and machine learning are three hot research areas in recent years. An edited book with the above title will be published by Springer in early 2019 to summarize the latest developments in these three areas with the emphasis on new techniques and applications as well as multidisciplinary interactions of these areas. We have already received 15 book chapters. Due to the diversity of the three areas covered in this book, we wish to invite more chapters to cover a more diverse range of topics.
Therefore, potential authors working in these areas are invited to contribute a book chapter in the following areas (but not limited to):
* Nature-inspired computation (NIC)
* Data mining (DM) techniques and applications
* Machine learning (ML) techniques and applications
* Big data and applications
* Artificial intelligence
* Swarm intelligence
* Evolutionary algorithms and metaheuristics
* Optimization methods and applications
* New methods and/or applications concerning NIC, DM and ML
* Other relevant algorithms and applications
Submissions are welcome via the EasyChair online submission system at
Key dates:
Abstract/expression of interest: 15 June 2018
Full chapter submission: 25 July 2018
Acceptance Notice: 20 Aug 2018
Final version: 15 Sept 2018
Chief Editor:
Prof. Xin-She Yang, Middlesex University, UK
email: x.yang ( at )