Creating Safer Spaces in English Composition Courses After the 2016 Election

Safe Spaces 2018


This roundtable will look at pedagogical strategies for examining the 2016 election in Standard Freshman English Composition courses. English Composition instructors are struggling with approaching relevant concepts (ex. argument) and reading selections that do not alienate portions of the classroom with every choice. While it would be ideal, it is not necessarily feasible or responsible to be bi-partisan with every lesson plan. Submissions should present pedagogical approaches that stimulate constructive inquiry, application of course concepts, and/or address concerns of partisan discourse (in the texts, by instructors, or students).
The conference is through the Northeast Modern Language Association and will take place April 12-15, 2018 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Submissions are due: September 30, 2017
NeMLA uses a user-based system to process abstract submissions. Interested scholars should submit 250 word abstracts to Lindsay Bryde through the NeMLA website using the link below:
For questions about the new submission system, you can contact NeMLA web support here:
Questions specific to the roundtable can be sent to