Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, a SpringerOpen Journal

IISO 2015

Sustainable Energy Civil Engineering Sustainable Development Sustainable Energy

We are pleased to announce about Releasing this UNIQUE Open-Access Journal:

INNOVATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (IISO) "From Innovative Research to Practical Wisdom"
A SpringerOpen Journal; An Official Journal of SSIGE;

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Why the initiation of this new Journal is a MUST -- Don't we have enough already?

• There is no journal yet, intended to serve the Soil-Structure Interaction by combining the Geotechnical and Structural Engineering; Structures load on the Ground, and Ground bears the structures.
• There is no journal yet, was initiated to link between the Global Climate Change problem and its effects on the structures.
• There is no journal yet, was considered an open forum for rapid, interactive, rigorous peer-reviewed information exchange in the integration between the different engineering disciplines to serve the construction field, truly.
• This journal follows a rigorous double-blind-peer-review system, in which all papers will be evaluated based on the technical contents only without knowing authors’ details.
• SpringerOpen is working closely with Thomson Reuters (ISI) to ensure that citation analysis of articles published here will be available.
• The journal family includes experts from 30+ country.
• This Journal is YOURS, and YOUR Journal is FREE for Publishing and Accessing!
• This Journal presents Annual Awards to the best authors Financial and Certificates!
• Authors of articles published in Innovative Infrastructure Solutions retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work.
• This Journal offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically.
• Online publication in this Journal gives authors the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures.

Register here:, and SUBMIT your Paper NOW!.... We will be so happy to handle your article….

Kindly do submit, participate, support, and share with your colleagues!