The 2nd International conference on Interdisciplinary research on Computer Science, Psychology, and Education

ICICPE’ 2018

  • URL:
  • Event Date: 2018-01-22 ~ 2018-01-24
  • Abstract Submission Date: 2017-10-23
  • Submission Date: 2017-10-23
  • Organizer: Korea IoT Association
  • Location: Krabi, Thailand

Computer Networks & Wireless Communication Artificial Intelligence Educational Technology Engineering & Computer Science (General) Human Computer Interaction Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Audiology, Speech & Language Pathology Psychology E-learning

Call for Papers

2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary research on Computer Science, Psychology, and Education (ICICPE’ 2018) will be organized by Korea University together with KCS in Krabi, Thailand, January 22th to 24th 2018. The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the related fields. The conference looks for significant contributions in the broad areas of the Computer Science, Psychology, and Education in theoretical and practical aspects. The conference will provide the authors and listeners with great opportunities for national and international collaboration and networking among universities and institutions from Korea and abroad for promoting research and developing technologies. It also aims to bring together researchers and scientists to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research. Keeping this objective in mind, ICICPE’ 2018 solicits original contributions in the following non- exclusive lists of areas All accepted papers from ICICPE’ 2018 will be published in the conference proceedings and will also be considered for publication in our associated Scopus / EI Indexed journals.
In the 1st conference, 21 papers were selected for SCOPUS indexed journals and most of those papers were already published and in final publication process. Program committees hope that many of conference papers will be selected and revised for SCOPUS journals in this 2nd conference.
The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming you all to a fruitful conference with open discussions and important networking to promote high quality research.

Topic of Interest

Topics of interests for submission include, but are not limited to :

# Computer Science
- Artificial intelligence and data mining
- Bioinformatics and bioengineering
- Big data infrastructure and analysis
- Natural language processing and Information retrieval
- Grid and cloud computing
- Distributed and parallel computing
- Mobile computing and wireless communication
- Software engineering Internet of things
- Security, privacy, trust, reputation, and incentive issues

# Psychology
- Human computer interaction
- New theories, methods and objectives in computational social science
- Computational models of social phenomena, including behavior modeling
- Quantifying offline phenomena through online data
- Social psychology and personality
- Forecasting of social phenomena
- Algorithms and protocols inspired by human societies
- Equity in social and information systems
- Psychology of programming

# Education
- Educational Technology
- E-Learning and U-Learning
- Brain-based Learning
- Psychology in Education
- Speech Technology
- Learnability/usability of programming languages
- Pedagogical environments fostering computational thinking
- Research on CS/computing teacher thinking and professional development models at all levels
- Learning analytics and educational data mining
- Design-based research, learner-centered design, and evaluation of educational technology supporting computing knowledge development