International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering

icaase 2018

Engineering & Computer Science (General)

The 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE’18) will be held at Constantine 2 University, in December 01-02, 2018. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to share and exchange the most recent innovations, research, technologies and applications in the area of the Software Engineering.
This edition of ICAASE'18 will be held in parallel with the PASE'18 workshop which represents a forum for practitioners to present and discuss new and emerging ideas describing advanced prototypes, systems and tools, emphasizing modern and practical aspects of Software Engineering.
The conference is soliciting original research papers in all major areas, which include, but not limited to:
Distributed Software Engineering
Formal methods in Software Engineering
Intelligent Software Engineering
Mobile Software Engineering and Systems
Secure Software Engineering
Agile Software Development
Software Refactoring and Maintenance
Mining Software Repositories
Modern and Emerging Software Systems (Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Fog Systems, Cloud Systems, etc.)