2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (MVAR 2018) at ISMAR 2018

MVAR 2018

Computer Graphics Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition

*Note: paper submission deadline has been extended to 18th of July*
(this is the final deadline; no further extensions, sorry)
MVAR is the 2nd Workshop on Multimodal VR and AR, investigating any aspects about multimodality and multimodal interaction in relation to VR and AR. What are the most pressing research questions? What are difficult challenges? What opportunities do other modalities than vision offer for VR and AR? What are new and better ways for interaction with virtual objects and for an improved experience of VR and AR worlds?
We invite researchers and visionaries to submit their latest results on any aspects that are relevant for multimodality and interaction in VR and AR. Contributions of more fundamental nature (e.g., psychophysical studies and empirical research about multimodality) are welcome as well as more technical contributions (including use cases, best-practice demonstrations, prototype systems, etc.). Position papers and reviews of the state-of-the art and ongoing research are invited, too. Submissions do not necessarily have to address multiple modalities, but work focusing on single modes that go beyond the state-of-the-art of “purely visual” systems (e.g., papers about smell, taste, and haptics) are suited, as well.
*Topics of interest*
- Multisensory experiences and improved immersion, including audio-visual installations, haptics/tactile, smell/olfactory sensations, taste/gustation (contributions focusing on single, but enhancing senses are welcome), perception of virtual objects, etc.
- Multimedia & sensory input, including affective computing and human behavior sensing for VR/AR, multisensory analysis, integration, and synchronization, speech, gestures, tracking for AR/VR, virtual humans and avatars, etc.
- Multimodal output, including smart and ambient environments, multimedia installations, etc.
- Interaction design & new approaches for interaction in AR/VR, incl. tangible interfaces, multimodal communication & collaborative experiences, social aspects in AR/VR interaction, gesture-based interaction design, 3D interaction, advanced interaction devices, etc.
- System design & infrastructure for multimodal AR/VR, including real-time and other performance issues, rendering of different modalities, distributed and collaborative architectures, etc.
- Applications, incl. use cases, prototypes, or prove of concepts for new and innovative approaches in serious and leisure domains.
*Further information*
For more information about aims, submission guidelines and criteria, etc. please refer to the workshop's website at http://mvar.science.uu.nl/2018/