2018 International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology (ICIST 2018)--EI & SCOPUS


Artificial Intelligence

2018 International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology (ICIST 2018)
London, United Kingdom, 30 June-2 July, 2018.
The conference will focus on areas of intelligent science and technology and how to put theory into practice. A leading international forum is provided for researchers, acadenics, and practitioners from diverse fields to explore the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of intelligent science and technology. It aspires to regroup and promote high-quality research and trigger an exchange of ideas in the field, as well as to reinforce and expand the existing IST network of researchers, academics, and market representatives.
The goal of the conference is to be a premier venue for researchers and industry practitioners to share new ideas, research results and development experiences.
*Conference Proceedings
All accepted full paper will be included in conference proceedings, which will be online and indexed by EI&SCOPUS after the conference.
By Email: icist_online@yeah.net
By Easy Chair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icist20181
Strand Palace Hotel (Pending)
Address: 372 Strand, Westminster Borough, London, WC2R 0JJ, United Kingdom
Ms. Daisy Lee
E-mail Address: icist_online@yeah.net
Telephone Number: +86 130 182 222 20