The International Conference on Forensic Computer Science and Cyber Law (ICoFCS)

ICoFCS 2018

Computer Security & Cryptography

The main purpose of ICoFCS is to bring together researchers interested in Forensic Computer Science and in Cyber Law, in order to faster development in this matter. We foresee major advances and development in Forensic Computer Science and Cyber Law by means encouraging researchers from Universities, Research Centers and Law Enforcement Agencies from all over the world to submit their papers on this conference. The ICoFCS is hosted by Brazil Chapter of the HTCIA (, and supported by the University of Brasília, by means the Electrical Engineering Department ( and the OAB/SP - Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil em São Paulo ( This conference has an international committee of reviewers from several countries. In addition, papers are rigorously reviewed by three committee members, experts on the matter discussed in such papers. Only the papers with recognized scientific rigor are accepted, presented at the conference and published in its proceedings. The ICoFCS uses blind peer review process. In that perspective, authors are kindly asked to submit their papers without any identification of them. The ICoFCS reviewers do not know any author's identity, as well as any identifying information is stripped from the document before review. All papers published in the ICoFCS Proceedings have DOI numbers, and are registered in the CrossRef Database. This conference is ranked by Capes/Qualis in stratum B5, in the area of Computer Science.
Scope: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Biometrics, Computer Crimes, Computer Forensics, Computer Law, Criminology, Network Security, Pattern Recognition, Secure Software Development, Semantic Web, Signal Processing, Simulation, Cryptology, Cyber Law, Digital Investigation, Information Security, International Police Cooperation, Intrusion Prevention and Detection and Machine Learning.