2018 USENIX Summit on Hot Topics in Security

HotSec 2018

Computer Security & Cryptography Security & Trust & Testing

HotSec aims to bring together researchers across computer security disciplines to discuss the state of the art, with emphasis on future directions and emerging areas.
HotSec is not your traditional security workshop! The day will consist of sessions of lightning talks on emerging work and positions in security, followed by discussion among attendees. Lightning talks are 5 MINUTES in duration—time limit strictly enforced with a gong! The format provides a way for lots of individuals to share ideas with others in a quick and more informal way, which will inspire breakout discussion for the remainder of the day.
Some of the most successful HotSec lightning talks take and defend a strong position. This instigates real discussion, and we encourage you to do so!
Need some ideas? Here are talks from last year that were successful or ideas we'd like to hear about:
* URLs are the worst, the best, and need to be replaced.
* How I secured my smart home.
* Aadhaar: biometric security for all of India.
* Security is all just a game.
* Is security advice useless, or are we just doing it wrong?
* Machine Learning: for and against security systems.
* Cyber Autonomy in Military Operations: Increased precision or lack of control and accountability?
* Getting rid of passwords: why is this so hard?!
We’ll have prizes based on audience feedback for the:
* Most engaging talk
* Most amusing talk
* Most surprising talk
* Most controversial talk
What is the HotSec ’18 format?
The organizers will group lightning talks together into themes and create active discussion groups around the themes.
Why attend HotSec ’18?
You will have the opportunity to consider lots of topics, engage in conversations, and brainstorm what the future of security would look like. HotSec’s talks are significantly less formal than research talks—but more structured than hallways conversations—to create a true workshop environment.
I want to give a Lightning Talk!
Submit your talk via the submission form.
Contact the program co-chairs at hotsec18chairs@usenix.org.