3rd International Workshop on Linked Data & Distributed Ledgers

LD-DL 2018

Software Systems

We invite original research submissions, demonstrations and vision papers addressing any of the following two broad themes:
Linked Data for Distributed Ledgers:
How to use Linked Data and Web technologies to enhance Distributed Ledgers, including but not limited to:
• Architectures and protocols for DL interoperability
• Architectures and protocols for interoperability between DLs and other Web components and architectures (non-ledger based web services, web databases, etc)
• Extensions of web data models and formats to accommodate Distributed Ledgers (JSON, HTTP, HTML, RDF, etc)
• Languages and query engines for Distributed Ledgers
• Privacy considerations of interoperating Distributed Ledgers
• Vocabularies and ontologies for describing DLs and Smart Contracts
• Semantification and linking of DL frameworks and their contents
• Storage, querying and updating RDF data inside Distributed Ledgers
• SPARQL extensions to use it as a Smart Contract language. Extensions to current Smart Contract languages to use semantic data.
Distributed Ledgers for Linked Data:
How to use DLs to enhance Linked Data and Web applications, including, but not limited to:
• Decentralisation and disintermediation of web-based architectures.
• Distributed management of identity and online identity.
• Distributed Ledger backing of general Linked Data processes: vocabulary
and dataset evolution, entity naming and re-naming, etc.
• DLs for Web and Linked Data provenance.
• DL-backing of Web signatures
• Digital rights management and enforcing