Education, Society & Reform Research


  • URL:
  • Event Date: 2018-04-06 ~ 2018-04-07
  • Abstract Submission Date: 2018-01-15
  • Submission Date: 2017-12-15

Social Sciences (General)

Education, Society & Reform Research (EDUSREF-2018) is an International Conference that aims to bridge the knowledge gap, promote social research esteem, and produce democratic information for potential education reforms.
As the other social systems, the education systems from pre-school to higher education face the challenges deriving from social, demographic, economic, technological, political, and the other trends both in local and global level. It seems vital to respond to these challenges in short-term and prepare the reform frameworks in long-term for making and preserving education systems more effective than ever before. At least, one of the ways of this attempt is to enlarge and disseminate what we know about education and society.
In this respect we expect the contributions of social researchers dealing with in the conference topic in the field of education, sociology, psychology, philosophy, management, economics, social anthropology, law, social statistics, etc. No particular methodologies will be preferred and we expect the submissions that reflect the widest range of robust and imaginative research designs.
Conference Topics
Paper topics may include, but are not limited, to the following:
· Educational Policies and Practices
· Trends and Challenges Shaping Education
· Large-Scale Assessments in Education (PISA, TALIS, PIACC etc.)
· Economic Challenges (i.e. BREXIT) and its Reflections on Education Systems
· International Benchmarking /Indicators
· Comparative Studies in education
· Social Transitions & School Culture and Climate
· Socio-Psychological Analyses for Education
· Social Media and its Reflections on Schools
· Migration and Education Studies
· Gender and Education Studies
· Inclusive Education
· School Improvement
· Creativity and Innovation in Education
· Innovative Learning Environments
· Curriculum Critiques
· School Leadership
· Performance Appraisal in Education
· Law of Education
· Professional Development
· Teacher Education
· Developing Higher Education Systems