Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (4)

IMWUT (4) 2017

Computer Networks & Wireless Communication

Starting with the 2017 edition, UbiComp no longer considers full paper or note submissions. Instead, it will invite for presentation papers published by the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). IMWUT has 1 volume per year with 4 issues per volume, published in March (Issue 1), June (Issue 2), September (Issue 3), and December 1 (Issue 4).
The UbiComp 2017 main technical tracks will consist of papers in IMWUT 2017 Issues 1-3. Authors of these papers will be invited, but are not obliged, to present at UbiComp. The conference will retain its workshop, poster, and demo tracks, which will have their own publication outlet.
Detailed information about IMWUT -- including submission instructions and a description of its reviewing process -- is available at: Information about the rationale for changing the publication model is available below.