Annual Research Journal of SCMS Pune

Business, Economics & Management (General) Social Sciences (General)

11th volume of Annual Research Journal of SCMS Pune is calling for papers with the theme, “Rebuilding Business Confidence in the Post Pandemic World”.

We are inviting original research papers in areas which goes in sync with our theme touching multi-disciplinary areas of management, business, economics, social sciences and the like.

The Journal is indexed in Open J-gate, Indian Citation Index (ICI).

We are inviting full length papers, short term papers, reflection papers, review papers, cast studies.

Full Length Papers which include mainly accomplished research results and should have a length of 3,000 – 5000 words.

Short Term Papers mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and should be 2,500 – 3000 words in length.

Reflection Papers/Review Papers which might review recent research literature pertaining to a particular problem or approach, indicating findings suggestions with justification, Length should be 1500- 2000 words.

Case Studies can go from 1500-2000 words with proper justifications and case notes.

References must be in APA style

For further details please refer to: 

Authors can send their queries to the email -

Please refer here for author guidelines Please submit your papers to

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: 30th October 2022

Notification to Authors: 2nd November 2022

First review: 30st November 2022

Second review: 15st December 2022

Publication date: December 2022