Call for Papers
Token: A Journal of English Linguistics
Call Deadline 31-May-2015
John G. Newman, University of Texas at Brownsville
Sylwester Łodej, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
Token: A Journal of English Linguistics focuses on English linguistics in a broad sense, and accepts both diachronic and synchronic work, grammatical as well as lexical studies. Token publishes original research papers on topics of significance to English linguistics. That being said, the journal favors empirical research. Jan Kochanowski University publishes Token once annually, and all submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed. The due date for submissions is 31 May 2015 and notifications of acceptance for review will follow soon thereafter. Publication is planned for late 2015.
Manuscript submissions:
Submissions should be prepared according to the style sheet available at the journal's website. The majority of papers approximate 10-15 pages. A submission to Token should be sent electronically as a Word document, and should not contain the author's name and affiliation but should be accompanied by an email including such personal information.
Submissions should be sent to
For more information visit the journal's webpage at