Lámpsakos Journal of Engineering. Call for papers


Engineering & Computer Science (General) Uncategorized

Lámpsakos Journal is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary international journal publishing original and high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics in engineering, science and technology. The Lámpsakos journal has a main scope in engineering related topics, as they are: Computer Sciente, Software Engineering, Electronics, Information Systems, Datawarehouse, Intelligent Systems, Automation and Control, Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Water exploitation, Energetic Efficiency, Education in Engineering, Research Operations, System Simulation, Knowledge management, Material developments, Industrial maintenance, Computer modelling.

Lámpsakos Journal is an open access journal that publishes papers submitted in English and Spanish. The Lámpsakos Journal is a scientific online publication affiliated to University Luis Amigó, in the City of Medellín, Colombia. The title has a periodicity twice a year.

The journal welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions. Articles submitted should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication any place else and should report original unpublished research results.

The Lámpsakos Journal is now recognized by the Colombian Index Service (Publindex) as C type Journal. Our goal relies on the improvement of our Impact Index, as well as earning better aknowledgment among different
universities and research groups.

Submissions are accepted through the online submission system on: http://www.funlam.edu.co/lampsakos
Or via e-mail: lampsakos@funlam.edu.co
There will be absolutely no extensions of the submission deadline: 25 November 2013
There is no submission or publication fee.
All enquiries should be directed to the editorial office at lampsakos@funlam.edu.co