Information and Big Data in the Hybrid Media System is the main theme of the 13th edition of the International Conference on Online Journalism which is held annually in Bilbao.
In this edition, the Conference will be held in virtual format.
Accordingly to this situation, the registration fee has been reduced by 25%.
Submission Guidelines
The following paper categories are welcome:
Full papers
List of Topics
Journalism and the Internet.
Social Media.
Web 2.0.
New professional profiles.
Citizen participation in the new information environment.
Ethics and deontology.
Business strategies in digital media.
New trends and technologies in journalism.
New genres.
Teaching learning of journalism and communication.
Organizing committee
Koldobika Meso Ayerdi
Irati Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia
María Ganzabal Learreta
Ainara Larrondo Ureta
Terese Mendiguren Galdospin
Simón Peña Fernandez
Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva
The abstracts of all accepted communications will be published in a Book of Abstracts, with ISBN.
Full Papers
Authors who wish to publish the full text of their communication may choose one of these two options:
Conference Proceedings
The full texts of the accepted communications may be published in the Congress Proceedings Book, edited by the UPV/EHU editorial service, with ISBN.
Texts that do not conform to the style guidelines will be rejected.
Associated Journals
Alternatively, authors may choose to send their texts to one of the two journals associated with the Conference: Mediatika (ISSN 1137-4462) or (ISSN 1695-5498).
The texts will be subjected to a peer evaluation, in accordance with the publication standards of each of these magazines.
The conference will be online (
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
University of The Basque Country
Basque Government
Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universties