Special issue on “AI meets cybersecurity” -- Journal of Intelligent Information Systems


Computer Security & Cryptography

Call of papers Deadline May 02, 2022

Special Issue on “AI meets cybersecurity” from "Journal of Intelligence Information Systems" journal 

Important Deadlines

Full paper submission deadline: May 02, 2022

Notify authors: July 31, 2022

Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

·    Adversarial machine learning and the robustness of AI models against malicious actions

·    AI approaches to trust and reputation

·    AI and blockchain for cybersecurity and privacy

·    AI for cryptography

·    AI for cyber investigation and threat intelligence

·    AI for cybersecurity management in cyber-physical systems

·    AI for intrusion detection and prevention

·    AI for malware identification and analysis

·    AI for phishing detection and prevention

·    AI for spam detection

·    AI for GDPR compliance

·    AI for secure future Internet architectures/protocols

·    Big data analytics for security

·    Distributed inference and decision making for security

·    GDPR compliance of AI

·    Graph representation learning in cybersecurity

·    Interpretability and Explainability of AI models in cybersecurity

·    Model confidentiality

·    Open-source threat intelligence and cybersecurity situational awareness

·    Privacy-preserving AI

·    Security of deep learning systems

·    Trustworthy data collection and processing using AI techniques

More info: https://www.springer.com/journal/10844/updates/19866784

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