The Journal of Methodology, Metodologia, is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Finnish Methodological Society, which seeks to further methodology and scientific philosophy in all fields of science. It aims is to foster the spread of methodological articles that have been published nationally, to develop the methodological know-how in Finland, and to provide a platform for writers to advance themselves as producers of scientific works.


Metodologia publishes scientific contributions related to methodology, philosophy of science, and interdisciplinary methodological subjects. The range of publication formats comprises peer-reviewed articles (theoretical and empirical), essays (peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed), book reviews, scientific statements on science and policy, discussions, and doctoral thesis lections. Essays differ from theory articles since they are primarily meant for speculative theorizing on methodological problems while theory articles address methodological theory or practical methodology. The publications are both in Finnish and English.


Our journal adheres to the principles of open science. Through our extensive peer-review process, we publish high-quality articles and essays. To find out more, please visit our homepage: Peer Review Process


In the spirit of open and free science, our journal does not adhere to strict themes or too limiting thematic constraints for publications. Proposal for publications can therefore be submitted electronically at any time. They can either take the form of a concise abstract of approximately 600 words or a transcript in its early or final stage. We do not set time limits for our writers for the initial transcript, as thorough and high-quality transcripts require time. 


Proposals can be sent to


Additional information on our journal, submission and writing guidelines, or peer review process is available on our homepage or by contacting


We are looking forward to receiving your publication proposal!


The publishers of Metodologia