The Journal on Cybercrime and Digital Investigations (CybIN) is a free online scientific journal for all topics related to the fight against cybercrime and digital forensics or investigative methods.
It is published by CECyF, the French cybercrime centre of excellence, a not-for-profit organisation with members from academia, industry, law enforcement and other public bodies involved in the fight against cybercrime. The objectives of CECyF are to promote projects for prevention, training and research against cybercrime.
CybIN accepts proposals in French or English, on technical, legal or other related domains. In particular, they can cover digital forensics, network investigations, cybercrime law, incident response as well as the economics or the sociological analysis of cybercrime and cybercriminals.
Most common paper formats are accepted: long or short articles, position papers, reviews, reading notes, comments on legal decisions, etc.
Papers will undergo a blind peer review (papers submitted for evaluation should be cleaned of all references to the authors), thanks to the support of its editorial board and vetted experts. Should the paper be accepted, it will be published in the current issue of the journal and freely accessible under the CC BY license (
The average turn-around for paper evaluations should be from 4 to 6 weeks.
Authors will find all information for their submission on the Journal website: