International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media


Visual Arts Communication

Call for papers
for the International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (Issue no.5)

The International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that reflects on our progressively immersive media culture. It has a historical and critical perspective about immersion by considering that it draws both on state of the art technologies and on old and discontinued media that have once stimulated and expanded our perception. While all of these technologies (from stereoviews to cinema and current virtual reality films and apps) have deeply strengthened the human relationship to virtual worlds, they have also made visual documents more engaging and widely spread in western culture. This Journal aims at reflecting upon these topics and welcomes papers addressing one or more of the following themes:

1- Stereoscopic Photography and its Visual Cultures;
2- Past and Current Immersive Technologies;
3- Scientific and Social History of Early Visual Media;
4- Archives, Digital Curation and Media Archaeology;
5- Media Arts, Virtual Reality and Immersion;
6- 3D Sound, 3D Cinema and 360 degree films;
7- Sonic Art and New Technologies

This issue will include two invited papers by the renowned photographic historians Boris Kossoy (University of São Paulo) and Michael Pritchard (Royal Photographic Society).

Languages accepted: English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Please find registration and submission informations at