Journal of Awareness


Humanities, Literature & Arts (General) Social Sciences (General)

Journal of Awareness (E-ISSN 2149-6544) is an international refereed journal which started to be published in 2016.  The journal aims to include original papers in the main titles of social sciences and humanities. In this framework, high quality theoretical and applied articles are going to be published. The views and works of academicians, researchers and professionals working in all fileds of social scineces and humanities are brought together. The articles in the journal is published  4 times a year; WINTER (January), SPRING (April), Summer (July), AUTUMN (October). JOA is a  free of charge, electronic and open access journal. The DOI (Doi Prefix: 10.26809/joa) number is assigned to all the articles published in the Journal.

Papers are welcomed  both in  English and Turkish.

Manuscripts are sent to online Manuscript Submission System. Send your manuscript to the editor at

For any additional information, please contact with the editors at