Reconfiguring Human Autonomy. Conceptual Challenges and Ethical Implications in the Age of AI


Artificial Intelligence Automation & Control Theory Human Rights

Link Call for Paper


Book Project

CFP: Reconfiguring Human Autonomy. Conceptual Challenges and Ethical Implications in the Age of AI

Editor: Mariafilomena Anzalone, University of Basilicata



The volume aims to analyze from a co-evolutionary perspective the relationship between human and machinic autonomy in the medical field to understand whether it, in the light of later developments in AI, can be a harbinger of descriptive innovations and normative implications, which, while considering the risks and difficulties of this paradigm shift, expand rather than restrict individual autonomy and societal autonomy.

In particular, we will only accept proposals focused on the following topics:


  1. Medic decision-making autonomy and developments in Digital Medicine: ethical issues arose by the automation of diagnostic processes and the use of predictive algorithms for prognosis and treatment.

  2. Personal patient autonomy and Digital Health: privacy and personal data protection; autonomous health management and new treatment paradigms.

  3. Datafication and medical practice: automatic data collection and narrative information produced by patients, how does the doctor-patient relationship change?

  4. The bioethical principle of autonomy in a digitalized world.


Submission Guidelines

Chapters submitted to this book project must be in English and novel, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submitted abstracts should be between 200 and 250 words and include a title, author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s), contact information, and a summary of the proposed chapter(s). Chapters should be between 5,000 and 6,000 words (including references).


Preliminary Timeline

  • Abstracts should be submitted by 30th of August, 2024.

  • Feedback on the submitted abstract on/before the 15th of September, 2024

  • Submission of completed chapters by 30th of May, 2025

  • Feedback on the reviewed chapters by July 2025

  • Expected publication in December 2025


Publication of the volume accepted by Springer Nature, Integrated Science Series

Submission emails:


About the Editor

Mariafilomena Anzalone is associate professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Basilicata. She is member of the Executive Board of Italian Society of Moral Philosophy and of the Italian Karl Jaspers Society. She has worked on the category of subjectivity in Hegelian philosophy, German philosophical and medical anthropology and American feminist philosophies. More recently, she has focused on the topic of moral consciousness, affective aspects of decision-making in cases of moral conflict, and the impact of the introduction of artificial agents on human relationality and agency.