Trento Student Law Review


  • URL:
  • Call For Paper Type: Regular
  • H2 Index: 0
  • Submission Date: 2022-10-02
  • Notification Date: 2022-10-09
  • Final Version Date: 2022-10-09

European Law Health Policy & Medical Law International Law Law

Trento Student Law Review - Call for Submissions (Vol. 4, N. 2)

The Trento Student Law Review is now accepting article submissions for Vol. 4, No. 2 (November 2022).

The Board of the Review encourages submissions from legal scholars, practitioners and students on any topic of interest to the legal community. Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal

The deadline for submissions is 06 October 2022 (23:59 CET). Papers received after this date may be considered for publication in Volume 5, Number 1 (April 2023).

The Trento Student Law Review accepts legal articles:

  • in Italian or English;

  • with a length of 5,000 to 20,000 words (including footnotes);

  • including an abstract (150-300 words) and 5 keywords. In case of an English-written article, both must be in English. Otherwise, both an English and an Italian version must be provided;

  • complying with anonymity precautions - the body of the write-up must not contain any identification of the author(s) or their institutional affiliation;

  • in Microsoft Word (.docx) or Apache OpenOffice (.odt). Find a paper format template here.

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Review.

Submitted articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process, as detailed here.

The Trento Student Law Review is indexed in the following databases and search engines: