Architecture Computer Hardware Design Computer Networks & Wireless Communication Computer Security & Cryptography Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition Computing Systems Data Mining & Analysis Artificial Intelligence Automation & Control Theory Convergence
** Temporary free of charge for the publication
Dear Professors, Researchers, and other colleagues,
I hope you and yours are doing very well and healthy in this crisis. This year is the 10th year of JOPT, and we renewed the system to integrate with major indexes. As the celebration volume of the JOPT, we invite you to join the journal and ask you to submit quality research papers and reports for the new volume of this international journal. To celebrate renewed journal citation system, we will process the submitted paper and publish it free of charge until further notice.
The Journal of Pervasive Technology is a forum of exchange for research of these future technologies, mainly applied technologies in the up and coming realms of low-power, network, and ICS/IoT technology and its security.
Hopefully, many papers can see in the new volume of the journal of pervasive technology - JOPT.
Many thanks,
JOPT Editor in Chief
Call for Papers
The Journal of Pervasive Technology (JOPT, is the renewed and focusing on only high-quality publications, preparing to be included on EI(Compendex), SCOPUS, Google Scholar (index and Accessible in, renewed with Open Journal System), DBLP list for Computer Science Journals, INSPEC by IET(Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK), Computer and Information Systems Abstracts, ProQuest Technology Collection, Scirus Database, Ulrich's Serials Analysis System, and EBSCO of Tomson Master Journal as an online journal. Also, the Journal of Pervasive Technology issues and papers will be register in DOI system and ISSN around mid 2021.
As the renewal special volume, this publication is to discuss advanced low-power hardware technology and leading-edge technologies in all areas of microprocessors, multimedia, smart grid, IoT/ICS, and their application and security. The special volume calls paper submissions from anyone in this field.
--> The journal will process submitted papers and proceeding the publication completely FREE until further notice.
Section #1: Multimedia Processing and Communication
-Multimedia compression
-Multimedia communications and networking
-Interactive 3-D media and immersive environments
-Multimedia content analysis and search
-Multimedia quality assessment
-Multimedia applications and services
-Multimedia security and privacy
-Multimedia databases and digital libraries
Section #2: Low Power and High-Performance Software and Hardware Design
-Low power and high-performance system-on-chip design
-Low power and high performance embedded systems software
-Low power and high performance embedded systems hardware
-Low power and high performance real-time and cyber-physical systems
-Low power and high-performance pervasive computing technologies
-Low power and high performance emerging technologies, systems, and applications
Section #3: Advanced technology for Industrial Control System and Internet of Things
-System on Chip for ICS/IoTs
-ICS/IoT secure communications
-Protection of ICS, SCADA, DCS, RTU, PLC
-Fault-tolerant control for ICS/IoT
-Security and advanced technology for Industrial intelligence sharing platform
-Operational technology
Section #4: Advanced Security Technologies and Applications
-Key management in wireless/mobile environments
-Trust establishment
-Intrusion, attack, and malicious behavior detection
-User and location privacy
-Anonymity, prevention of traffic analysis
-Vulnerability and attack modeling
-Cross-layer design for security
-Monitoring and surveillance
-Cryptographic primitives for wireless communication
-Theoretical foundations and formal methods for wireless security and privacy
-Security/privacy in mobile/wireless cloud services
- Important Dates
-Open manuscript submission: May 15, 2021
-Registration due: July 15, 2021
-Author notification: July 31, 2021
-Revised Paper Due: Aug 15, 2021
-Final Author Notification: Aug 20, 2021
-Pre-proof and Proceedings: Aug 31, 2021
--> Topics shows general interested fields for each section, but not limited to
Instructions for Submission
The Journal of Pervasive Technology website and submission system is located at
Any questions and proposal a special section, please contact
Editorial Board
- Editor in Chief
Ken Choi, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- Editorial
Tashik Shon, Ajou University, Korea
Changhoon Lee, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Shiuh Jeng Wang, Central Police University, Taiwan
Jongsung Kim, Kookmin University, Korea
Damien Sauveron, Université de Limoges, France
Hyunguk Yoo, University of New Orleans, USA2021 07 15
Ka Lok Man, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China
Manhyun Chung, Korea University, Korea
Hosub Lee, Korea University, Korea
Youngbae Kim, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Heekyung Victoria Kim, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Jake Cho, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
** NOTE **
Suppose your paper has been published on any other platform. In that case, a new version of your article for the Journal of Pervasive Technology must reflect at least a 25% difference in content from the one published in the Conference Proceedings or any other journal. Each publishing paper is subject to a publication fee of USD400 (Free of charge until further notice) for a maximum of 6 pages, but this time submission does not charge for a maximum of 12 pages.
Selected papers will be submitted to Scopus, ScienceDirect, EI Index, SCI, IEEE indexed journal, and amongst others where applicable.