Cancer Case Reports
(Cancer Research Online Library)
We request authors to consider our online publishing Cancer Case Reports, an innovative journal with distinctive features, for all your publishing needs.
• Backed by the personal experiences of our esteemed Advisory Committee, we embarked on providing the scientific community “the honest new technology solutions” it deserves.
• Cancer Case Reports takes pride in our ethical publishing values and unique value proposition of innovative publication formats & article visibility.
We at Cancer Case Reports pledge to run our publishing process with ethical guidelines and policies warranted by Ethical Publishing Committees to eradicate Misrepresentation, Plagiarism, Redundancy & Duplicate Publications, Authorship Identification and Scientific Misconduct.
Request to provide us the opportunity of being your esteemed research publisher.
Editorial Board Collaboration:
Cancer Case Reports (CCR) is looking for a dynamic, well‐organized scientist with high editorial standards and strong leadership skills to serve as the editor for this journal.
Please feel free to contact us for further queries at
Thanks & Regards,
Jerusha Francis
Journal Office
Cancer Case Reports