We invite contributions exploring the literatures of Crimea and the literary images of that peninsula (or Crimea in literatures). 



They are eligible for Transponticae 3/2024 and 4/2024 and should be written in English, French or German (German is an exception of our language policies for these two issues only).  





Contributions are to be submitted by 15 May 2024 (extended deadline; preferably about Slavic literatures) and 15 July 2024 (extended deadline; preferably about non-Slavic ones) correspondingly. 





For more details, please, consult the "Sections" and "Guidelines" sections of Transponticae's website: https://sites.google.com/view/transponticae/sections, https://sites.google.com/view/transponticae/guidelines. 










On Transponticae (journal & book series): 





The journal and book series will publish original research, reviews and sources related to literatures, cultures, communities and places along the Black Sea littoral and in its hinterlands; to transpontic and circumpontic contacts. Contributions in English and French from all fields of humanities are invited. Contemporaneity, ‘modernity’ and the ‘middle ages’ are in focus, due to the relative proliferation of studies on antiquity. 





We invite submissions that directly or indirectly contribute to, or critically debate the prospects and limitations of the conception and elaboration of the Black Sea as a Literary and Cultural Space. To this effect, we prioritise holistic papers over comparative studies, and comparative studies over case studies, though we consider and publish all. The explicit consideration by authors of the relevance of their work for the progress of Black Sea as a Literary and Cultural Space and its implications for defining and formulating future research agendas will further enhance their chances for acceptance. 





For more detail: https://sites.google.com/view/transponticae/home. About the publisher: https://sites.google.com/view/transponticae/home/éditeurpublisher.