International Journal on Information Processing

IJIP 2012

Engineering & Computer Science (General)

International Journal of Information Processing

The aim of International Journal of Information Processing is to allow rapid dissemination of interesting results in the field of Information Processing. The scope of the journal is indicated by the list of keywords found in the TOPICS section. This list is periodically updated by inserting recent topics. Submissions are encouraged both on theoretical work and on experimental work.

International Journal of Information Processing invites submission of research and application articles that comply with the Aims and Scope of the journal. In particular, articles that discuss development of new architectures, methodologies, techniques and algorithms and their applications to the field of Information Processing are preferred. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that their content is unpublished material and is not submitted for publication elsewhere. Further, it is understood that each co-author has made substantial contributions to the work described and that each one of them accepts the joint responsibility of their publication.