Call for papers (Litinfinite December-January)
Submission timeline: till 30th November 2019 (midnight)
Drama can be considered to be a composite whole consisting of theoretical, performative, socio-political, religious, economic, and psychological aspects. Litinfinite invites original and unpublished research papers, interviews, articles and scripts for its December-January issue. Subthemes include, but are not limited to:
• Drama beyond borders
• Indian English drama
• Regional Indian drama
• Dramatists and their major works (One at a time)
• Folk drama
• Song, music, dance and drama as a performing art
• Drama and mythology
• Comparative analysis (drama and theaturgy)
• Case studies on drama
Submission guideline:
1. MLA 7th for reference.
2. Word limit: 1500-2000 words (including citations)
3. Font: Book Antiqua, 12
4. Author bio: 50 words maximum
5. Abstract: 150 words maximum
6. Keywords: 5 maximum
Note: All papers will undergo a blind peer-review process. Plagiarism of any kind will lead to the disqualification of a paper. Acceptance mail will be sent within 20 days of the last date of submission. Papers will be selected for the print version or online version, or for both. Please check the status of your paper in the acceptance mail after the submission deadline is over.
Along with these, Litinfinite is accepting short stories, poems, book reviews and essays in English and Bengali for its regular section.
Short stories: English or Bengali (1500 words maximum)
Poems: English or Bengali (Maximum 2)
Book review: 700-800 words, with book details including cover page, ISBN number, price, author name, publisher name and year of publication.
Essays: 1000 words maximum.
Litinfinite does not promote any political party, organization and religious groups. Please do not send us writings that are influenced by a strong political, religious or communal bias.
We do not provide complimentary copies, and encourage readers to buy books although the online version is completely free and open-access.