International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT)
Scope and Topics
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that provides excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of web & semantic technology. The growth of the World-Wide Web today is simply phenomenal. It continues to grow rapidly and new technologies, applications are being developed to support end users modern life. Semantic Technologies are designed to extend the capabilities of information on the Web and enterprise databases to be networked in meaningful ways. Semantic web is emerging as a core discipline in the field of Computer Science & Engineering from distributed computing, web engineering, databases, social networks, Multimedia, information systems, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, soft computing, and human-computer interaction. The adoption of standards like XML, Resource Description Framework and Web Ontology Language serve as foundation technologies to advancing the adoption of semantic technologies.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following
Semantic Query & Search
Semantic Advertising and Marketing
Linked Data, Taxonomies
Collaboration and Social Networks
Semantic Web and Web 2.0/AJAX, Web 3.0
Semantic Case Studies
Ontologies (Creation, Merging, Linking and Reconciliation)
Semantic Integration Rules
Data Integration and Mashups
Unstructured Information
Developing Semantic Applications
Semantics for Enterprise Information Management (EIM)
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantic SOA (Service Oriented Architectures)
Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
Semantic Web for E-Business, Governance and E-Learning
Semantic Brokering, Semantic Interoperability, Semantic Web Mining
Semantic Web Services (Service Description, Discovery, Invocation, Composition)
Semantic Web Inference Schemes
Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
Information Discovery and Retrieval in Semantic Web
Web Services Foundation, Architectures and Frameworks
Web Languages & Web Service Applications
Web Services-Driven Business Process Management
Collaborative Systems Techniques
Communication, Multimedia Applications Using Web Services
Federated Identity Management Systems
Interoperability and Standards
Social and Legal Aspect of Internet Computing
Internet and Web-based Applications and Services
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail
. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline
July 27, 2019
Authors Notification
August 27, 2019
Final Manuscript Due
September 04, 2019
Publication Date
Determined by the Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Board Members
Abdullah Kuzu,
Anadolu University, Turkey
Abeer Mohamed ElKorany,
Cairo University, Egypt
Aditya Khamparia,
Lovely Professional University, India
Alvin Lim,
Auburn University, USA
Atif Farid Mohammad,
Uniersity of North Dakota, USA
Azadeh Mellat,
PayamNoor University, Tehran
Bharat Bhushan Agarwal,
Institute of Foreign Trade and Management, India
Dac-Nhuong Le,
Haiphong University, Vietnam
David B. Bracewell,
General Electric Global Research, USA
Debasis Giri,
Haldia Institute of Technology, India
Eric Renault
, Institut Telecom - Telecom SudParis, France
Farzam Matinfar
, Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran
Fonou Dombeu Jean Vincent,
Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
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