Transactions on Maritime Science (ToMS) is a scientific journal with international peer review which publishes scientific articles in the following areas:
~ Marine Engineering,
~ Navigation,
~ Safety Systems
~ Marine Ecology,
~ Hydrography,
~ Marine Automation and Electronics,
~ Transportation and Modes of Transport,
~ Marine Information Systems,
~ Maritime Law,
~ Management of Marine Systems,
~ Marine Finance,
~ Bleeding-Edge Technologies,
~ Multimodal Transport
~ Psycho-Social and Legal Aspects of Long-Term Working Aboard.
The journal is published in English as an open access journal, and as a classic paper journal (in limited editions).
ToMS aims to present best maritime research from South East Europe, particularly the Mediterranean area. Prior to being accepted for publication, each article is reviewed by at least three reviewers. With the intention of providing an international perspective at least one of the reviewers will be from abroad.

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