Bussecon Review of Social Sciences (2687-2285) is an open access international journal that promotes international academic studies in Social Sciences. BRSS is an international academic journal reviews topics in education, politics, history, communication, international relations, economics, and other related topics in social sciences. Peer-reviewed and the refereed journal is published quarterly in English by Busssecon International Academy. BRSS is an indexed journal. BRSS is indexed in Index CopernicusRePEcEconpapersIDEASBASE, Scilit, Google ScholarAsos Index, and OAI


Bussecon Review of Social Sciences (2687-2285),

Vol. 2, No. 4, 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36096/brss.v2i4

Published: 2020-12-31


Accepted papers will be published under the following sections of BRSS in the forthcoming issue:


Society, Culture, Development, Religious Studies

Politics and International Relations

Conflict Management & Negotiation

Education, Distance Learning, Philosophy
