The Behavioral Mind: A Journal of Personality Disorders is currently seeking article submissions for the Fall 2018 issue (Vol. 1, no. 2) focused in the areas of psychopathology, humanistic psychology, and discussions of the DSM-5. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2018.
The aim and scope of the journal is to feature research that helps to create a positive and productive discussion and dialogue around the balance between the DSM and humanistic psychology, produced by scholars holding adjunct or faculty positions at the collegiate level. The Third Force, initiated by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, has been instrumental in the dialogue between schools of biological psychiatry and psychoanalysis. The interface between the DSM (utilizing diagnostic labeling) and the humanistic approach to psychotherapy (embodied in the Third Force), has been productive in advancing mental health treatment. The journal The Behavioral Mind: A Journal of Personality Disorders strives to add to that positive and productive relationship between the two and continue the dialogue.
There are no fees to authors or authors’ institutions for submission, evaluation, or publication of articles. Issued twice annually (Spring and Fall), the journal accepts articles submitted blind with attached cover sheet. Articles must be submitted as Word documents between 5,000 and 7,500 words in APA (6th); in-text citations are required, and footnotes are not accepted. Authors must hold an adjunct or faculty position at the collegiate level. Complete copyright must be held by authors or appropriate copyright permissions supplied.
The Behavioral Mind is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal edited by John H. Morgan, Ph.D. (Hartford), D.Sc.(London), Psy.D.(FH/Oxford), recently retired Senior Fellow in Behavioral Science of Foundation House/Oxford (UK) who is author of Clinical Psychotherapy: A History of Theory and Practice (from Sigmund Freud to Aaron Beck) and Psychopathology: A Clinical Guide to Personality Disorders, and editor of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (forthcoming Summer 2018). Submit all materials to John H. Morgan, Editor-in-Chief, at editor.TBMjournal [at] gmail [dot] com by October 1, 2018 for the Fall 2018 issue.